Thursday, May 7, 2009

Farewell o ye Scrubs - "My Finale"

Disclaimer: Scrubs spoiler ahead! Read at your own risk!

Okay so this is the time to admit that I'm a major scrubs buff. Ive been following it up ever since I was aware of its existence (my best friend at uni introduced me to it) and I have been hooked ever since.

And now, Scrubs is finished. Khallas. Kaput. Over. I can only describe it as the end of an era. I wont say that I'm absolutely heart broken but I have to admit though I did shed a tear when JD was imagining his future - I think the music, something along the lines of the "Book of Love" perhaps, was just apt. I thoroughly enjoyed every single episode. From the Janitor's antics ( knife wrench, drill fork, any body remember that?) to JD's daydreams to the dance sequences to the stupid stupid jokes. Loved it all!

I just loved how the Janitor's name was never revealed! and of course, it was JD who had jammed the door on the first day with a penny (accidentally of course)! I knew it ALL along :P Classic! and the last sequence, was just brilliant!

with JD's walk of fame was great as well..It was great to see all the extras pop up too..Especially Hooch.. Hooch is crazyyy! lol

I know this is probably going to sound REALLY corny, but I've felt that Scrubs, despite being a slap sticky, humorous show, has always had a moral-to-the-story type of ending: something which Ive always learned from! Take Bob Kelso in an episode (dont remember which one) "Nothing in this world that's worth having comes easy" really hit home. It made sense somehow...

Similiarly I loved what JD said:

"Endings are never easy. I always build them up so much in my head, they can't possibly live up to my expectations, and I just end up disappointed. I'm not even sure why it matters to me so much how things end here. I guess it's because that we all want to believe that what we do is very important: that people hang on to our every word, that people care what we think. The truth is, you should consider yourself lucky if you even occasionally get to make someone, anyone, feel a little better. After that, it's all about the people you let into your life."

I don't know if it's just me being all emotional, but it kind of put things into perspective.

sigh... farewell oh ye Scrubs.. I will miss thee.


Majaz said...

KIA?!?! Scrubs khatam hogaya?!?!!


Desi Lawyer said...

Scrubs, as we know it, is over. They're not sure if ABC can renew the show for another season, but Zach Braff isn't coming back for sure.

and I highly doubt a spin off will work ( just like Joey was a flop)

Sigh x zillion

Minerva said...

Oh yeah. Joey was a major disappointment.

Scrubs without Zach Braff.

*echoes sighs*